
Yet another movie in the Marvel “family”…


After plethora of Iron Man, Avengers, Thor, Hulk etc we now have Ant-Man to hit the silver screen.

I will begin with the plot: (Warning – spoilers below!)

Failed divorced burglar out of jail not allowed to see daughter and not able to get employment (due to said jail visit + x-wife now living with cop) forces him to (in order to get money to get apartment and hopefully get to see daughter again) make a “fool proof” break-in to steal money from rich guy. So far nothing too weird…

Together with friend and a couple of his friends they burglar the above said house and find the safe empty. Well, apart from a dodgy motorcycle leather suit that is…

Suit turns out to be a shrinking device that can shrink the empty space in atoms, and thus – the Ant-Man!

Old enemies/colleagues of the inventor of above said invention wants this kit really bad, and are also trying to make their own contraption for shrinking people for mig money military contracts…

I’m not going to spoil any more than this but this was one Marvel movie that should never have left the planning stage imho. There are many great Marvel movies like Iron Man, Avengers and Thor. If they want to milk the Marvel cow further then they should stick to these and not try to grasp every little idea from brainstorming sessions…

The movie wasn’t totally crap, and it has a few good scenes, but in all it’s not even close to the other Marvel movies and I hope it’ll end here, but we already know the Ant-Man will have a part in the coming Captain America: Civil War so who knows?

For some reason IMDB has a score of 7.5 for Ant-Man?!
I give it 2 out of 5 – but that’s only because the kids thought it had a few funny scenes… A weak 2 that is…


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